Breakfast of pancakes and sausage
Join us between services for a breakfast of pancakes and sausage.
Join us between services for a breakfast of pancakes and sausage.
5:30 - Family Meal served for all (free will donation) 6:00 - Kids Ministry (preschool & elementary) / Student Ministry (Middle School & High School) 6:15 - Adult classes 7:15 - all groups done
Dive into Ephesians with Pastor Cory
Women's book study led by Rita Lepp
Join us for a community Thanksgiving Worship Service at St. George's Episcopal 601 N 4th St, Bismarck, ND 58501 hosted by Bismarck UCC, Faith Lutheran, Lord of Life Lutheran, McCabe United Methodist, Legacy UMC, Lutheran Church of the Cross, & St. George’s Episcopal. Darla Schafer from the Northern Plains Conference UCC Disaster Ministries will speak ... Thanksgiving Community Worship Service
Join us as we worship God through song, prayer and Scripture reading together.