Do you have any questions about God, life or Legacy? We’d love to try to answer them for you! Ask more questions by sending a note to the office.
When are worship services?
We worship as one church in three locations. Check out times and locations.
What should I wear to a service?
Wear what makes you feel comfortable. You’ll see everything from shorts or blue jeans to business suits. We’re casual but you’ll fit in wearing whatever.
What is the worship service like?
Worship at Legacy is passionate, with lots of energy and modern music with some old favorites. It is not a typical traditional, liturgical worship service. We will sing together, hear announcements, experience the sermon, take an offering and sing a bit more before we go home.
How long are services?
We do our best to keep it right at 60 minutes.
Do you serve communion? If so, how often?
We serve communion about once a month. All are welcome at Legacy to share in Holy Communion.
What is Legacy’s denomination?
Legacy is a United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Church has an amazing history, beginning in England with two Anglican priests, John and Charles Wesley. They led a revival movement during the 1700s with open-air preaching in the fields, small groups for growth and support, and church music set to the tunes of bar songs. United Methodists stress both personal and social holiness; meaning we care about both prayer and feeding the hungry, reading Scripture and painting houses, fasting and helping those in need. We are part of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and connected to United Methodists across the entire world.
What other questions would you like to know about?
We would love to answer any questions that you might have. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.