Impact Offering

Each month, we receive a special offering for a mission or service organization. You can give to the mission of the month by going to Online Giving or use the mission box at the Connection Center.

Impact Offering

March’s Impact Offering: 30 Hour Famine


For the March 2024 Impact Offering, we are supporting the 30 Hour Famine.


Last month, 19 students from Legacy participated in the 30 Hour Famine. The effort supported the work of World Vision, which provides food, clean water, and medical care to some of the most vulnerable children and families around the world. Over one weekend, our students fasted for 30 hours, drinking only fruit juice, building shelters, and managing resources to simulate a life of a teenager in parts of Africa. The students also served our neighbors in Bismarck, breaking their fast at a United Way’s homeless shelter.


You can give to the 30 Hour Famine to help our students sponsor children around the world and support immediate relief processes like drought or other natural disasters. If this need moves your heart, you can give during any worship service,  on the Legacy App, or any time here.

2024 Impact Offerings